Jesus changes everything. So what about our wealth?
Why You Should Visit a Monastery...
In his Rule, St. Benedict remarks that a monastery is never without guests. Though he wrote this line 1,500 years ago, the monastery remains alluring even for modern visitors. The monks leave the normal course of the world behind to seek first the Kingdom of God. But the world has a way of coming to see what they’re up to, enjoying visits as an oasis from the loud and busy bustle of life...
We Must Be Crazy, Who’s the Boss, and Star Children...
Today is, of course, the annual March for Life here in Washington. For a generation of us born and raised after Roe v. Wade, seeing the end to that Supreme Court decision was the lodestar of the pro-life movement. It was, for many of us, the reason we marched; opposing it was the mission, the practical purpose of being “pro-life” in America. But Roe is gone now. And, following the last election...
Trump Pardons 23 Pro-Life Activists Imprisoned for Peaceful Abortion Protests...
An imperfect male’s guide to successful married life...
A few days ago, I reviewed Eduard Habsburg’s guide to successful married life (The Habsburgs on marriage and family). Today I offer ten rules drawn from my own experience and reflection. It’s not rocket science; not everybody needs to read a book to figure it out. But it does take thought, prayer and self-discipline to turn all of the points below into the strong habits that create good marriages. I divide my rules into two groups of five, each with its own heading...
After Noteworthy Career, Cardinal Schönborn Exits...
As Cardinal Christoph Schönborn celebrated his 80th birthday Wednesday, Pope Francis accepted his resignation as Archbishop of Vienna, Austria, as expected. A brief line in the Holy See press office’s daily bulletin marked the end of an era not only for Vienna’s Catholics but perhaps also for the Church in Europe...
Open Doors: Why We All Should Be Concerned About Online Predators...
Here we go again. Faithful Rational Sheep readers will, it’s safe to say, have noticed the many times I have mentioned a small, but powerful, book that I read in the early 1980s while doing graduate work in mass communications at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. One of the big ideas in that book is that way too many parents allow screens to raise their children...
Sneauxmageddon: How the South Turned a Snowstorm Into a Celebration...
Joe Biden: When ‘The Last Hurrah’ Met Catholic Lite...
Four years ago, this column praised the courage of Archbishop José Gómez of Los Angeles, then-president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), for his Inauguration Day letter to President Joe Biden. In an entirely respectful tone, the archbishop pledged the bishops’ support for the president’s goal of healing our divided country while raising concerns about the abortion license as “a matter of social justice.” Americans, Archbishop Gómez wrote...
The Monks, the nNews, and ‘Pardon Us’...
Today is the feast of St. Meinrad, and you’re reading The Tuesday Pillar Post. Meinrad himself was a German monk who lived like a hermit, drew pilgrims who came to seek his wisdom, and was killed by two robbers who believed mistakenly that the monk had a chest of wealth left behind by pilgrims who visited him.
Seven planets are lining up in the sky next month. This is what it really means...
Pope Francis Invokes Blessings on US as President Trump Begins His Second Term...
Sing to Me, Muse, of the Man...
Go Beyond the Gurus: Here Are 2 Principles of a Higher Approach to Self-Care...
5 Takeaways From This Sunday, When We Receive the Word of God in Holy Communion...
Jesus, the incarnate God, bursts onto the world stage in a new way in the readings for the Third Sunday of Lent Year C. He has already made some spectacular entrances. He had a birthday celebrated by angels and exotic magi, he was hailed by prophets as a baby in the Temple and by the actual voice of God beside the Jordan at his Baptism...
How the Pro-Life Generation Is Redefining ‘Unthinkable’...
I’ve gone to many Marches for Life since my first in 1975. Two things that have struck me positively: it’s more ecumenical and it’s growing younger. That it’s growing younger is not just a reverse mirror of me getting older. There are more young people there. Nor is it “compulsory attendance on a field trip” from Catholic schools...
The Life and Legacy of the Newly-Retired Christoph Cardinal Schönborn...
For more than 30 years, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna has been at the center of the Church’s life — far beyond the confines of Austria. His retirement this week at age 80 marks the end of a long ecclesial service closely associated with Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI.During the pontificate of Pope Francis, Cardinal Schönborn argued for reading Francis in continuity with Benedict. His arguments did not persuade those who saw a rupture and earned Cardinal Schönborn critics among his former admirers.
Grace and Charity: St. Francis de Sales’ Blueprint for Evangelization...
An important physical characteristic all human beings possess is the ability to communicate whether through sound, silence, or physical gesture. The nature of our human ability to express ourselves to someone or about something involves I argue an explanation of the message conveyed and a demonstration of how the message is to be lived...
‘Sins of the flesh’ may lack ‘angelicality’ but they are hurting the Vatican...
One of the more interesting passages in Pope Francis’s television interview on Sunday was his statement that sins of the flesh are less damaging than “angelic” sins, such as lying or committing fraud. Speaking to Italian journalist Fabio Fazio on the show Che Tempo Che Fa, Francis said the “most serious sins” are those of which angels are capable.
Trump Ends Policy of Treating Churches as ‘Sensitive Locations’ for Immigration Raids...
Jordan Peterson Explores the Biblical Stories That Shape Our Culture...
We Who Wrestle with God: Perceptions of the Divine is a big book. The #1 New York Times bestseller by Jordan Peterson is large in terms of length (544 pages) and vast in intellectual scope. Peterson addresses the biblical stories that shape narratives of our culture from Hamlet to Wicked, from Dostoevsky’s Brothers Karamazov to Disney’s Lion King. In We Who Wrestle with God...
Where Did the Rosary Come From? Here’s the Case for St. Dominic...
I have a little bit of a bone to pick. I think it’s well-established that the Holy Rosary has a few different origin stories and some of them are downright off, contradictory, or are really a lazy attempt to fill in the history where we find blanks. Let’s start with the basic version: Modern books love to tell a charming tale about illiterate laypeople who, unable to read the 150 psalms monks recited daily...
Is the Vatican’s China deal making progress on a road to nowhere?
We Need Winter in Our Life, for These 2 Reasons...
Why biological truth is the key to our new politics...
Sodalitium Confirms Its Suppression After News of It Leaks With No Vatican Confirmation...
Pope Francis appoints Austin, Texas, Bishop Joe Vásquez as archbishop of Galveston-Houston...
When Was the Bible Divided Into Chapter and Verse?
Notre Dame’s Marcus Freeman: 10 Things to Know About the Fighting Irish Coach and His Faith...
Does Your Parish Ring Tower Bells at Mass? The National Catholic Register Wants to Hear From You!...
5 Takeaways from This Sunday’s Gospel, the Wedding Feast at Cana...
Get this entire Catholic website as an instant digital download...
The full contents of the New Advent website are available as a digital download. It includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more and it's only $19.99...
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