What Should Catholics Believe About UFOs?
Confirmed: The corruption Pope Francis chose not to expose...
This week, with the publication of his new book, Pope Francis has added one important link to the chain of evidence regarding the fight against Vatican corruption. In April 2012, Pope Benedict created a special commission of three senior cardinals (Herranz, Tomko, and DeGiorgi) to investigate the nasty Vatican infighting that had resulted in the leaking of confidential documents that was quickly dubbed the “Vatileaks” scandal...
Theology of Geography: Jesus’ Baptism Site Brims With Significance...
The Baptism of the Lord Jesus teaches us something about the theology of geography. There are many places where water for baptism could be found in the land of Israel. Why was Jesus baptized by John in the Jordan Valley near the Dead Sea? Biblical geography was highlighted last week as Cardinal Pietro Parolin, secretary of state, consecrated a new church at the Al-Maghtas site...
John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ is deeply opposed to Christian hope — and the sacred purpose of a church...
As Catholics, we understand that music can elevate the soul and express profound and saving truth. But music can also promote troubling philosophies when chosen without discernment. That’s why hearing John Lennon’s “Imagine” performed by Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood during Jimmy Carter’s funeral at the National Cathedral struck such a tragic chord. (The same duo performed the song at former First Lady Rosalynn Carter’s funeral just over a year ago.)
Italian Bishops: Reports of Change to ‘Gay Seminarian Policy’ Are Fake News...
Farm Boy, Exorcist, Archbishop: Milwaukee’s New Shepherd Aims to ‘Keep It Real’...
Perhaps it was an upbringing exposed to life and death on a Wisconsin dairy farm. Or maybe it’s the experience of being an exorcist in the Archdiocese of Chicago for nearly two decades. Whatever the case, when Archbishop-designate Jeffrey Grob found out this past fall that Pope Francis wanted him to be the next shepherd of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, he took the news in stride.
Not ordinary bread, please, but the Bread of Life...
One of the most encouraging recent news stories is this one: “Philadelphia archbishop launches plan for ‘missionary hubs’. Without intending an excessively invidious comparison, I will mention that many dioceses place a great deal of emphasis on their programs for materially assisting those who are materially poor, but far fewer seem to emphasize their programs for spiritually assisting those who are spiritually poor...
‘Old Communist Tactics’: Polish Archbishop Criticizes Petition to Ban Children’s Confession...
A Catholic archbishop has criticized a petition submitted to the lower house of Poland’s parliament demanding a ban on confession for children under 18. Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki of Poznań described the petition submitted to parliament as “a re-enactment of what we faced during Stalinism.” The petition was presented to the Sejm in October by the performance artist Rafał Betlejewski...
President Biden Awards Pope Francis the Presidential Medal of Freedom ‘With Distinction’...
Elon Musk Is Looking for God on Mars...
Everyone needs an ultimate reason for their existence. This hard-wired reality in humans can be seen in the multitude of ways that we try to answer the questions about our existence with meaning. These pursuits of meaning and purpose reflect an inner compass which God has placed in all of us. It points us toward something bigger than ourselves. I would argue, it also reveals an opportunity for Catholic disciples who want to evangelize.
This Sunday, After the Baptism of the Lord, All Eyes Are On Us: 5 Sunday Mass Takeaways...
Family Sings to Mary at Site of Home Burned to the Ground in California Wildfire...
A Catholic Response to the Potential TikTok Ban...
Does God want you to fast from the internet on Sundays?
Rare video (with sound) of meteorite striking Earth caught on doorbell camera...
Donkeys and ‘Space’...
In the Church’s contemporary calendar, today is Tuesday in the First Week of Ordinary Time, a relatively unremarkable liturgical date. But in medieval France, January 14 was something altogether different: it was the day on which Catholics celebrated the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt — and celebrated the donkey who took the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Jesus himself, to safety. On the Feast of the Ass, as it was known, French cities held festivals and dramatic pageants...
The Catholic Roots of the Presidential Medal of Freedom...
What Are Some Good Bible Study Tools for Catholics?
It’s often said that Catholics don’t know the Bible very well, but this isn’t entirely accurate. The truth is that Catholics who regularly attend Mass are often a lot more well versed in the Scriptures than they realize. Although we still have a lot to learn from our Protestants brothers and sisters about the value of memorizing Sacred Scripture...
The First Jubilee and the Last Medieval Pope...
St. Hilary of Poitiers Nourished His Flock with Truth...
If last week we met a variety of saints — many of whom from North America — this week we have something of a dearth: most of the weekdays are days in Ordinary Time. Except for Jan. 13, the feast of St. Hilary of Poitiers. Hilary was a fourth-century doctor of the Western Church. He was bishop of Poitiers, a city in west-central France, originally founded by a Celtic tribe.
Pope Francis Sends Prayers as Los Angeles Fires Destroy Churches, Neighborhoods...
Let It Linger, Hail Caesar, and the Politics of Heraldry...
The Twelve Days of Christmas are over, though we still have the feast of the Baptism of the Lord to look forward to this weekend. So I am holding on to the trappings of the season — if not always the spirit of it — as tightly as I can for a few more days yet. I’m pleased to note that around where I live there are still a good few holdouts with their decorations up...
Biden’s Scrapped Vatican Trip Highlights Symbolism of Farewell Diplomacy...
‘God, Please Spare My Church’: Deacon, Parishioners Save Sacred Heart Church From Altadena Fire...
Poll finds most parents, including Catholics, oppose transgender ideology in schools...
Stacked Decks, ‘Conversation in the Spirit,’ and the Catholic future...
Various cultures — English, Turkish, Chinese — claim to have invented the maxim, “The fish rots from the head down” (a favorite in Your Nation’s Capital during the unhappy years when the Redskins/Commanders were owned by Daniel Snyder). Applied to the Church, the idiom suggests that when theology is decadent, bad things will follow in the life of faith. Or, to put it more stringently...
Get this entire Catholic website as an instant digital download...
The full contents of the New Advent website are available as a digital download. It includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more and it's only $19.99...
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